The Guys From Super Troopers Kicked Off A Campaign Today To Raise 2 Million Dollars So They Can Make Super Troopers 2




Well there you go. Now or never I suppose. You can go right here to donate if you’d like.  Pretty baffling zero studios wanted to make this movie, so the boys have decided to do it themselves (and with the help of their fans). Obviously 2 million dollars is hardly enough to make a movie, but the good thing is they will have complete control. No suits taking out jokes, nobody telling them a joke is too offensive or over the top. They are a group of funny people who will be able to make a funny ass movie they way they want. And then the hope is if this works, they will be able to properly get the money needed to make Pot Fest.

But hey, at least Paul Blart 2 is on the way!



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